L'Arte Contadina

About Us

Tucked away in the enchanting streets of Sammichele di Bari, L'Arte Contadina is a harmonious blend of Apulian gastronomy and artistry. Its name, translating to 'The Peasant's Art,' is a tribute to the local farmers and artisans' time-honoured techniques and heartfelt dedication. At L'Arte Contadina, the culinary passion takes centre stage. Every dish narrates a tale of the Apulian countryside—its fertile soil, sun-kissed produce, and the rhythm of seasons. The menu is a flavorful dance between the past and present by upholding traditional recipes and infusing them with a dash of modern creativity. The ambience echoes the restaurant's philosophy. Rustic woodwork, earthenware, and murals inspired by country life paint a nostalgic and comforting setting. The soft glow of lanterns and the gentle hum of conversation adds to the atmosphere, making every meal an intimate experience. But it's not just about the food. L'Arte Contadina is a testament to Apulia's vibrant culture. Engage with our staff, and you'll hear anecdotes of local folklore, tales of harvest festivals, and the age-old secrets behind every dish. Join us at L'Arte Contadina, where dining transcends the plate. Here, we celebrate the art of creating, sharing, and savouring moments that become cherished memories.
Cuisines Italian, Mediterranean, Brazilian
Restaurant Type Casual Dining, Family Style
Cuisine Styles Steakhouse
Services Smoking Area, Takeaway, Disabled access, Delivery, Outdoor Seating
Payment Options Cash, Visa, Mastercard, Apple Pay, Google Pay

Map & Contacts

Address Via Konard Adenauer, 3
Sammichele di Bari, 70010
Telephone (+39) 3201808320